So many beautiful things here to reflect on, Pam. I particularly connected to the image of your grandparents holding hands every day. It would be so easy to let those small gestures slide, but they are important and actually not small at all. The description of grief as love ungiven resonated loudly with me too. And well done on your 100 subscribers, that's brilliant! So happy for you! I hope the querying process for your book is going just as well, too! ❤️

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May 28Author

Ah thank you Jayne...it is often the small gestures that bring the greatest gain. At the hospice no meal was delivered without a little flower and even a bedside tray was beautifully served. When Mum was dying I did the same, a small plate of just a few spoonfuls delivered alongside a beautiful flower...I remember her commenting on it. Bringing the beauty of outside into our tools and lightening our heavy hearts. ❣️ I'm on (hopeful) waiting mode for agebta/query process currently...ignorance is bliss 🤣. Sending love from my heart to yours.

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So beautiful, Pam. That image of the flower on the beside tray has brightened my day. As do your posts in general ❤️ Hope you get some good news on the book asap! xx

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Jun 5Author

Ah, blessings to you beautiful one.

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Yellow roses - my Nan’s favourite 💛 Your beautiful description of being with your grandparents transports me right back to time I spent as a little girl with my Nan in her garden. Happy memories. Thank you for taking me there again ☕️

FYI on Substack earlier, I saw a recommendation for this book - ‘The Year I Stopped to Notice’ by Miranda Keeling, I looked it up and it made me smile. It’s certainly so easy to fall into the trap of failing to notice the small things. Every time I’m halted by a red light when driving, I make a conscious effort to avoid instinctively sighing and instead try take to opportunity to look around. The last time I did this, I noticed a patch of stunning wildflowers at a motorway roundabout. I hadn’t seen them before, were they newly planted, or maybe I hadn’t taken sufficient time to notice before?

Another enjoyable read Pam, thank you for sharing with us x

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May 28Author

O my...I feel that might've been a little universal love-nudge from your Nan then Katie.. it feels like a wee love bomb to you. I adore the idea of the wildflowers adding beauty and interest to your journey...how better life is when we stop, breathe, notice. I aim to do that on my drive home...thank you for the prompt. O and another wee potential book option...love it! (What a great title).

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